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Thursday, 25 February 2010

Delicious, part II

The next stage was to look at Delicious Networks. I thought I'd try joining the one at work to start with, as I already knew what their network ID was (lawbod). It was very straightforward to link, and now I can access bookmarks that will be useful for work as well as my own.

Delicious, part I

I think Delicious could be especially useful - I use something similar at the moment, and it saves time being able to find everything in one place and link to other people's lists as well. I set up an account and started adding bookmarks, giving them tags I hoped would be relevant.

Thursday, 18 February 2010


Starting to get behind! But I did manage to have a go at Picnik today. I really liked it - it was completely idiot-proof, and I didn't have to register and learn yet another username and password. The functions are quite basic in terms of photo editing, but for touching up photos or having a bit of fun with colour and saturation (see my er... efforts!) it works well. I also liked that you can link to lots of different places at once - flickr, facebook, and even just photos you've got saved on your hard drive or USB stick.

Friday, 12 February 2010


I've been meaning to sign up to Flickr for a while now so this finally gave me the excuse to do it. It was very straightforward to sign up and add pictures (although it did mean creating a Yahoo ID - another password to remember!). I need to get some more photos off my laptop at home, but I put up one holiday pic I had and a few of some of the origami jewellery I've been making, which I put into a set called 'origami bits and bobs'. Once I've got some more photos on here I can set about the next task of editing them in picnik.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Google Reader

I have set up a Google Reader account and begun adding RSS feeds to it. I already subscribe to some through a Pageflakes account so I found it fairly straightforward to add new feeds to my Google account. I have a mixture of work-related and fun sites at the moment, and hope to add more as I find them.